Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chocolate Orange Cake

Following the 2 successful attempts at Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies, I've decided to try a cake!

I searched and searched until I found something that seemed simple enough for me to make and that I would actually want to eat. I found a perfect match for me--Chocolate Orange Cake! 

The recipe I found was very simple to follow and didn't have any foreign ingredients.  

Duration: 1.5 hours
Level: (for me?) Intermediate

1. I mixed 4 eggs, 1 cup of orange juice (pulp free), 1 cup of oil, and 2 cups of sugar. (The recipe didn't specify brown or white, so I just used brown sugar.) Then combined that with 3 cups of flour, 2 tsp of baking powder, and a tiny bit of salt. 

2. I divided the batter into 2, and poured melted dark chocolate into one. 
It started looking very pretty from here!

3. Then I poured the batter mixed with chocolate into the baking pan, and added the batter without chocolate on top. 

4. Then mixed the two batters a little bit to create a cool swirl. Well, it didn't turn out as cool as I wanted it to, but considering that it's my first cake, I was happy with it.

5. Baked at a 350F degree oven for 40 minutes, and voila!

My first cake, my first Chocolate Orange Cake is done!

Now, I did create something that looks like a cake, so I gave myself kudos on that. But when I took a bite, it tasted like it was missing something... There was some chocolate and some orange, but I could've used more chocolate and orange. And I was hoping for a cooler swirl effect! 

I can criticize my product forever if I can go on, but I won't. I will give myself two thumbs up for successfully baking a cake--it looks like one and it holds like one! 

I was hoping to bring this into work tomorrow to share with my co-workers. I might have to reconsider... OR maybe I should bring it in so those more experienced bakers can tell me how to improve my cake! We shall see.

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